Getting Started
What are the rules for naming a hunt club?
A hunt club may have any name as long as it is no longer than 100 characters in length and is not profane, embarrassing or offensive to the public.
What is the role of the hunt club contact?
The hunt club contact represents the hunt club and acts as the primary contact. The contact can be any member of the club itself (president, secretary, etc.), but that individual will ultimately be responsible for payment of the license fee. Invoices, dues, and correspondence will usually be via e-mail, so that person should be someone who has a dependable internet connection and is a frequent user of e-mail.
How do I navigate the map?
• Click and drag the map to explore available Recreational License Units (RLUs).
• Use the navigation tools provided to zoom in/out in the map.
• Click on the RLU marker to view RLU details
How should I choose a password?
All account passwords must be six or more characters in length. Following are some tips to help you make a strong password: 1. Create a password with at least eight characters. Short passwords are easier to guess.2. Combine letters, numbers and symbols. 3. Create a password that is easy for you to remember, but difficult for others to guess. Do not use your log-in name, your spouse’s name or your birthday.4. Do not use a password that is hard to remember or must be written down in order to remember.
How does the RLU filter work?
The filter allows you to easily find Recreational License Units (RLUs) with the qualities you want. For example: You can search for RLUs that have a certain minimum or maximum number of acres.Choose “Options,” then select “Apply Filter” to update the map with your refined search options. The filter will be applied to everything you see on the map until you select “Clear Filter.”
I created an account but I can't log in.
Please contact F&W Support by calling 229-883-0505 ext. 147 or send an email to
[email protected] describing the problem you are experiencing.
Can I have different club names if I have more than one RLU?
No. If all the members are the same, the club name you specified when you created your account applies to all RLUs you hold. Each RLU is distinguished by a separate number, but all belong to the same club.
What is a Recreational License Unit (RLU)?
A Recreational License Unit (RLU) is the term used to identify an individual tract of land that may be licensed by an individual and/or a hunt club for recreational use, such as hunting. The RLU is defined by number of acres, boundaries, license length and other characteristics specific to the tract of land. An individual or hunt club may license more than one RLU.
What is the definition of a hunt club?
A hunt club is an individual or group of individuals who desire to enter into an agreement to license hunting rights. Each member of the hunt club must be listed by name, address, and hunting license number. Each member is required to sign exhibit “C”. The hunt club representative is required to maintain Exhibit “C” in their records and provide to Licensor if requested.
Common Questions
When are payments due for the 2015-2016 season?
Payments are due by May 31, 2015.
Are commercial activities allowed?
No. Commercial activities are not allowed on the property. This includes guide services and subleasing.
What is the camping policy?
In general, camping is permitted. Please refer to your license agreement for information about camping activities on your RLU.
How do I pay the license fee?
The license fee should be made in one payment, by check or money order. Personal checks or club checks will be accepted.
Can my license be terminated?
Generally, at any time during the term, licensor shall have the right upon notice to licensees to immediately revoke and terminate the license and the rights and privileges of licensees. Licensees shall have the right upon thirty (30) days prior notice to licensor to terminate the licensee. For specific terms, see the license agreement. Depending on the situation, refunds may or may not be granted.
Are locks allowed?
If locks on gates are desired, locks must be purchased by Licensee. Licensee will provide licensor with copies of keys or combinations of Licensee’s lock. All locks are subject to removal by Licensor.
What is the land posting policy?
License holders may post signs at gate entrances to the premises.
What is the refund policy?
Refunds are handled on a case by case basis, subject to the terms of the license agreement
How do I update my information?
Log-in to your account. Select “Update Account” from the “My Club” menu. Make your changes and click “Save Changes”. Update your account whenever your club information changes (contact, phone number, address, etc.). Please Note: A verification e-mail will NOT be sent to verify changes to your e-mail address.
How do I add a member to my club?
New members may be added to a hunt club anytime. Each member is required to sign exhibit “C”. The hunt club representative is required to maintain Exhibit “C” in their records and provide to Licensor if requested.
Are guests allowed on the property?
Guests are allowed on the property in accordance with the terms of the hunting license agreement. This expressly state that all guests must be accompanied on the premises by the licensee representative or an authorized member of Licensee.
What about insurance?
General Liability insurance is provided upon execution of the license and is included in the license fee. The policy provides limited coverage for certain negligent acts of the club and its members. We recommend that you obtain a copy of the policy and review the terms with your insurance professional. Should you desire to obtain additional insurance, you must obtain your own separate policy of insurance providing such coverage.
How do I remove a member from my club?
Members may be deleted from the hunt club at any time. The hunt club representative is required to maintain records that the member was notified they were removed from the member list and provide to Licensor if requested.
What structures are allowed?
No permanent structures are allowed on the premises. Please refer to your license agreement for further information.
What can be done about trespassing, dumping, etc.?
Contact the game warden for that county.
Boundary Encroachment or Disputes, Drug-Related Activity, and Dumping:
Notify the property consultant as soon as possible.
What information am I required to enter for club members?
Required: - First and Last Name, Mailing Address, Hunting License Number
Optional: email address, phone number, fishing license #
Can I change the e-mail address for my account?
Yes. Log-in to your account. Select “Update Account” from the “My Club” menu. Make your changes and click on “Save Changes.”Please Note: A verification e-mail will NOT be sent to verify changes to your e-mail address, so please be sure you type any changes carefully.
How soon can our club members begin hunting?
You may not start hunting until you have received a notification that your agreement has been legally executed. The club president/ contact person will be notified by email with an approved date to begin hunting.
Is ATV use allowed?
ATV use is permitted with permission from the property manager.
Using Internet Explorer
If you re having trouble using the map functions within your Microsoft Internet Explorer browser, please try the steps below to see if any of them resolves the problem:
Clearing your browser s cache may resolve the problem you re experiencing.
To do so in Internet Explorer 6.0 or later:
1. Open IE and click "Tools."
2. Select "Internet Options."
3. Click "General," if it isn t already selected.
4. Under the heading "Temporary Internet files," click "Delete Files...."
5. Click "OK" to exit.
Why do I get errors when loading the map?
Occasionally you may encounter JavaScript errors when loading the map.
For example, you may see:"A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly. If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive. Do you want to abort the script?"In this case, we recommend that you select "No" and wait until the script finishes.
If you have been experiencing this error message on a regular basis it may be because you may be on a slow computer or a slow internet connection. If possible, try accessing the website from a faster computer that is connected to the internet via DSL or cable.Often this error occurs when you try to zoom out too far on the map.
Which web browsers are supported?
The following web browsers are supported:• IE • Firefox • Safari • Mozilla • Chrome For best performance, we recommend that you use Internet Explorer or Chrome
How do I view PDF files?
You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed in order to download the license documents. If you do not have Acrobat Reader you can download it for free from: